How to add a user to your SIERA.AI account?

Learn how to add a new team member to your account.

  1. In the left navigation menu click Management.
  2. It should open a drop-down menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu click the Users tab.
  4. Now click the Add Users button.
    1. A window will pop up asking you to provide the details of the new user.
    2. Ensure that you choose the correct permissions for the new user.
      1. Account Admin: Has full control over the account but cannot delete the account.
      2. Worksite Admin: Has full control over one worksite on which they are authorized.
      3. Account Viewer: Has full access to view users, assets, worksites, reports, and analytics but cannot make changes to your account.
      4. Operator: Has limited access and can only start and submit inspections.