This aricle has the information on Inspection notes feature of SIERA.AI's S2 and S3 Systems.
From January 20, 2025, SIERA.AI's digital inspection framework will include a feature allowing operators to supplement their standard responses to inspection questions with notes.
As shown in the picture below, when an inspection question populates the operator's touch screen, it will have a new icon (highlighted in yellow square) at the top right corner of the screen. Should the operator feel like adding any relevant information in the form of a note, they can tap on this icon and add their notes.
This feature is optional and the operators can proceed without adding any notes.
On the Dashboard, the inspection reports with notes will appear with a Pin symbol as shown in the image below. This will help in grabbing the manager's/supervisor's attention to a report that carries notes.
Once the report is viewed, the Operator's notes will appear along with their response to a question as shown below: